Principal’s Speech

We give thanks to the presence of Almighty God for all His grace and guidance, which has bestowed blessings on all of us. I, Gerardina Elsoin, as Principal of Xaverius Ambon High School, together with the entire academic community, feel proud and happy today with the launch of the official Xaverius Ambon High School website.

This website is not just a digital platform, but a form of our commitment to advancing the world of education in society. Through this website, we hope to be able to get closer to students, parents, alumni and the general public. The latest information regarding school activities, student achievements and the various programs we offer will be more easily accessible and widely distributed.

We also hope that this website can become a forum for strengthening synergy between schools, parents and all education stakeholders in supporting the development and success of each student. With this website, we believe that transparency and good communication can be maintained even better.

Therefore, let us together commit to maintaining and optimizing the use of this website in order to achieve the great vision and mission of SMA Xaverius Ambon in producing the next generation who are intelligent, accomplished and have noble morals.

Thank you to all parties who have participated in the process of creating and launching this website. Hopefully the Xaverius Ambon High School website can provide great benefits for all of us.



Gerardina Elsoin, S.Pd., M.Si